Application Virtualization

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Application Virtualization

In the recent years, companies rapidly transfer pluralities of important applications like ERP, CRM, mutual operation and business intelligence to the virtual platform.

The advantages of virtualization of applications are as follows:

♦Since the applications are centrally controlled now, you do not have to deal with installation, updating and uninstalling to computers one by one,

♦Since the users can have different applications in their computers, there may be conflict problems and sometimes errors may occur. Since these applications are completely separated from each other by means of virtualization, you are not faced with such a problem.

♦Applications, which are connected to each other, can be consolidated in a single structure.

♦Since applications are not loaded to the computer of the end user; you do not have any loss in case of deletion intentionally or unintentionally.

♦Updating process is only made in the main machine where the application is installed, and you do not have to realize any process on user computers.

Microsoft, VMware and Citrix products are the most frequently known and used solutions in application virtualization category.


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